Ku xigeenka madaxweynaha dalka Rigathi Gachagua ayaa si rasmi ah u daahfuray shixnaddii labaad ee bacrimin ah oo ay dowladdu qaybiso.
Qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa rasmiga ee Twitter-ka ayuu ku sheegay inay farxad u tahay inuu ganacsatada yaryar ee soo saaro caleenta shaaha ku wareejiyo bacrimin qiimihiisu la dhimay.
Waxaa uu xariga ka jaray 62 oo ah baabuurta xamuulka oo uu mid waliba sido ugu yaraan 100 kiish oo bacrimin ah.
Rigathi Gachagua ayaa xilli uu maanta ku sugnaa xaafadda Syokimau ee ismaamulka Nairobi xaqiijiyay in bacriminta la gaarsiin doono warshadaha kala duwan ee caleenta shaaha.
Shalay ayay ahayd markii madaxweynaha dalka William Ruto uu shaaciyay in dowladda dhexe ay sii wadi doonto qorshaha ay bacriminta uga soo dejisanaysa dalka dibadiisa.
The 62 trucks, each carrying at least 100 bags, have taken off the Syokimau Nairobi Freight Terminus to deliver the fertiliser to respective factories. We gave a commitment to Kenyans that within one year, farmers will earn from their sweat and get compensated for their work. pic.twitter.com/JLAfVrff0j
— Rigathi Gachagua (@rigathi) October 21, 2022
An increase in Orthodox Tea Production that is sold at $4/kg compared to CTC Tea that is sold at $2.60 is a good initiative by KTDA, currently 11 tea Factories have Orthodox Tea Production capacity pic.twitter.com/b0yDLhCYgI
— Rigathi Gachagua (@rigathi) October 21, 2022
The 62 trucks, each carrying at least 100 bags, have taken off the Syokimau Nairobi Freight Terminus to deliver the fertiliser to respective factories. We gave a commitment to Kenyans that within one year, farmers will earn from their sweat and get compensated for their work. pic.twitter.com/5BexP1ewVh
— Rigathi Gachagua (@rigathi) October 21, 2022