Guddiga anshaxa iyo la dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa ee EACC ayaa maxkamadda codsi u gudbiyay.
Waxaa uu doonaya in loo oggolaado inuu dib ula wareego dhul si sharci darro ah looga qaatay garoonka caalamiga ee diyaaradaha ee Moi International Airport ee ismaamulka Mombasa.
Dhulkan ayaa qiimihiisa lagu sheegay 2.4 bilyan oo shilin.
2. In the same suit, EACC further seeks to recover KES.984,393,705 being illegal compensation in respect to some of the parcels of the land compulsorily acquired by the National Land Commission for the Construction of the SGR and the Dongo – Kundu Kipevu Road Project in Mombasa.
— EACC (@EACCKenya) October 25, 2022