Waaxda dambi baarista dalka ee DCI-da ayaa mid marin habaabin ah ku tilmaantay warbixin lagu qoray wargeys maalinle ah.
Waxaa warbixinta cinwaan looga dhigay in sii hayaha xilka agaasimaha waaxda dambi baarista Massa Hamisi Salim uu waaxda dacwad oogidda wadanka ku dhaliilay qaabka ay baaritaannada u sameyso.
Hasa ahaate waaxdan ayaa barteeda rasmiga ee Twitter-ka ku caddeysay in warbixinta aan laga soo xigan Hamisi sidoo kalena uunan mas’uulkan marnaba soo hadal qaadin agaasimaha waaxda dacwad oogidda.
The DCI's attention is drawn to the headline of one of the daily newspapers insinuating that the Ag Director DCI has told off the DP over investigation style.
We clarify that the purported sentiments referring to the DP were not obtained from the Ag Director, neither are they
— DCI KENYA (@DCI_Kenya) October 4, 2022
This is thus to clarify that at no point did the Ag DCI mention or refer to the DP or any other government official in his remarks, hence the newspaper headline presents a misreported and uncredited position.
— DCI KENYA (@DCI_Kenya) October 4, 2022