Ruushka, Iiraan iyo Turkiga oo u midoobay ISIS

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian engineering troops check for mines in the M5 highway, recaptured by President Bashar Assad's forces this week, in Aleppo, Syria, Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020. The M5 is a strategic highway that starts in southern Syria, near the border with Jordan, and runs all the way north to the city of Aleppo near the Turkish border. The 450-kilometer (280-mile) highway links the country's four largest cities and population centers: Damascus, Homs, Hama, and Aleppo, cutting through Idlib province. (SANA via AP)

Dowladaha Ruushka, Iiraan iyo Turkiga ayaa sheegay inay si buuxda uga wada shaqeyn doonaan la dagaalanka kooxda isku tilmaanta khilaafada islaamiga ee ISIS gaar ahaan gudaha wadanka Syria.
Wakaaladda wararka ee RIA oo soo xiganayso ilo-wareedyo arromahan xog ogaal u ah ayaa sidatan qortay.
Waxay saddexda dowladood sheegeen inay ka go’an tahay in si wadajir ah looga adkaado ISIS iyo maleeshiyaadka kale.