Waaxda keymaha wadanka ee KFS ayaa dadweynaha ugu baaqday inay ka faa’iidaystaan roobabka da’aya oo ay geedo beeraan.
Madaxa ilaalinta keymaha Julius Kamau ayaa xusay in tallaabadan ay kordhin karto baaxadda keymaha wadanka.
Waxaa uu soo jeediyay in geedaha lagu abuuro meelaha dadweynaha iyo xarumaha sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay.
Kamau ayaa maamullada goobaha waxbarasho kula taliyay in baaxadda dhulka ee ay haystaan ay geedo badan ku abuuraan.
Dowladda Kenya ayaa ku dadaalaysa in boqolkiiba 30 la kordhiyo baaxadda keymaha wadanka ka hor ama ugu dambeyn sanadka 2032.
Madaxweynaha dalka William Ruto ayaa horay u sheegay inuu jiro qorsho muddo shan sano gudaheeda ah lagu beeraya 5 bilyan oo geedo ah.
In taking advantage of the ongoing rains, KFS undertook a tree planting exercise under its tripartite partnership with @HeartsOfGreen and @PLATINUMCREDIT8 where 11,000 tree seedlings were planted at the University of Nairobi's Upper Kabete Campus. pic.twitter.com/MIANNHXKFM
— Kenya Forest Service (@KeForestService) November 17, 2022
…land into forestry and support the government initiative of achieving 30% tree cover by 2032.
The CCF also encouraged the young generation who took part in the excercise, comprising of neighbouring primary schools, to uphold tree growing and green the country. pic.twitter.com/RAQ2OPVQUi
— Kenya Forest Service (@KeForestService) November 17, 2022
KFS in collaboration with Kijabe Environment Volunteers (KENVO) conducted a ceremonial tree planting at Kenton Hill, Kinale marking the launch of Afri 100 project, an initiative running in more than 50 African countries. pic.twitter.com/fL7fu4s5Ry
— Kenya Forest Service (@KeForestService) November 16, 2022
…attain 30% tree cover by 2030. The same trees would assist in income generating activities such as apiculture.
Mr. Waweru added that The Service will work with the devolved government in engaging the community especially the youth to create lasting & successful partnerships. pic.twitter.com/11M9Oc3eFD
— Kenya Forest Service (@KeForestService) November 16, 2022