Waxaa 8-da bishan xilalkooda loo dhaarin doona mudanayaasha laba aqal ee golaha xeer dejinta iyo aqalka sare.
Dhaarinta ka dib ayaa xildhibaannada waxay iska dhex dooran doonaan afhayeenka baarlamaanka iyo ku xigeenkiisa.
Sharciga ayaa dhigaya in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka laga soo doorto bannaanka xubnaha golaha xeer dejinta halka ku xigeenka ay qasab tahay inuu mudane ahaado.
Ilaa iyo hadda waxaa magacyadooda soo gudbiyay oo jagooyinka guddoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa u loolamaya
I) Dr. Noah Winja
(ii) Mr. Jared Olouch Oundo
(iii) Mr. Isaac Alouch Polo
(iv) Hon. Farah Maalim
(v) Hon. Moses Masika Wetangula
(vi) Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka
(vii) Hon. Robert Gichimu Githinji
Shakhsiyaadka daneenaya jagooyinkan ayaa haysta ilaa berri 12:30 duhurnimo si ay u qaataan shahaadooyinkooda.
Following the Notification of the First Sitting, and the Declaration of Vacancies in the offices of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker by the Acting Clerk of the National Assembly, Ms. Serah Kioko, several interested persons have picked up nomination papers this evening. pic.twitter.com/dGFyyCCUb0
— National Assembly KE (@NAssemblyKE) September 5, 2022
So far, the following persons have shown interest for the two positions :
I) Dr. Noah Winja
(ii) Mr. Jared Olouch Oundo
(iii) Mr. Isaac Alouch Polo
(iv) Hon. Farah Maalim
(v) Hon. Moses Masika Wetangula
(vi) Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka
(vii) Hon. Robert Gichimu Githinji. pic.twitter.com/50E78sUQla— National Assembly KE (@NAssemblyKE) September 5, 2022